Shriji Baba
Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Mathura
Subject -Physical education
Unit 3- Yoga and
By Girish tomar
Asana as Preventive Measures
Asana refer
to the many positions in which a person sits or stands to do yoga. It is a
Sanskrit word which means a ‘physical posture’. Various types of physical
postures or asanas means bending and stretching the body. This stimulates blood
circulation, balance the nervous system, benefits the various systems running
in our body like digestive system, nervous system, cardiovascular system,
muscles, joints etc.
Asanas are
beneficial for the mind, psyche and chakras (energy centers) thus preventing
from many types of lifestyle diseases.
Yogasana remove
toxine from the body and after each session you feel much better then when you began.
Long-term improvements of the body include a happier spirit, toned muscles,
better digestion and a deeper love for your body. Yoga is an ideal practice
for those who wish to better their bodies and lives.
Some advantages of regular yoga include.
Stronger bones
and joints
Better blood circulation
Respiratory system
Better Digestion
Stimulation of glandular system
& boosted immunity
Better excretory functions.
The excess
weight or deposition of excess fats on body is called obesity. It leads to
various diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, lowered pulmonary
functions, lowers life expectancy. Obesity is a condition where your Body Mass
Index (BMI) is higher than 30.
There are various reasons of
obesity such as lack of proper exercise, eating habits, psychological factors,
endocrine glands problems, familial tendency. Males are at high risk during age
29 to 35 and females are at risk during the age 45 to 49. The risk increases
with age. Various asanas can be practised effectively to reduce the weight,
control obesity and achieve normal healthy condition of body and mind. The
major asanas to control obesity are Vajrasana, Hastasana, Trikonasana and Ardha
वजन कम करने, मोटापे को
नियंत्रित करने और शरीर और दिमाग की सामान्य स्वस्थ स्थिति प्राप्त करने के लिए
विभिन्न आसनों का प्रभावी ढंग से अभ्यास किया जा सकता है। मोटापे को नियंत्रित
करने के लिए प्रमुख आसन हैं वज्रासन, हस्तासन, त्रिकोणासन
और अर्ध मत्स्येन्द्रासन।
Their procedures, benefits and contraindications
Vajrasana [Thunderbolt Pose]
It is done in sitting posture.
· Stand on the knees with the lower
legs , together and stretched backwards,, the two . big toes crossing each
· Lower the body and sit on your heels.
Rest your buttocks on the heels and the thighs on the calf muscles.
· Keep the hands on the knees and keep
the head straight.
· Concentrate on breathing, start inhalation
and exhalation.
इसे बैठकर किया जाता है।
• दोनों
निचले पैरों को एक साथ और पीछे की ओर फैलाकर घुटनों के बल खड़े हो जाएं। बड़े पैर
की उँगलियाँ एक दूसरे को पार करती हुई।
• शरीर
को नीचे करें और अपनी एड़ियों पर बैठें। अपने नितंबों को एड़ियों पर और जांघों को
पिंडली की मांसपेशियों पर टिकाएं।
• हाथों
को घुटनों पर रखें और सिर को सीधा रखें।
• सांस
लेने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करें, सांस लेना और
छोड़ना शुरू करें।
• Vajrasana modifies the blood flow in the
lower pelvic region. It increases the. efficiency of the digestive system.
• It helps to prevent acidity and ulcers
by improving the digestion.
• It is a good meditative pose for those
suffering from sciatica and severe lower back problems.
• Supta Vajrasana strengthens the muscles
in back, neck and chest regions. It expands the chest and is good for lung
• Vajrasana should not be practised by
those suffering from severe knee pain.
• This asana should be avoided by recent
surgery patients of legs or waist.
• If feel any pain in the ankles during
Vajrasana, release the pose and massage the ankle with the hands.
Trikonasana [Triangle Pose]
• This is done in a standing posture.
• Stand erect with feet about 3 feet apart
with knees straight.
• Raise both the hands till they are in
line with each other, parallel to the ground. Inhale when you are raising the
• Now bend towards the right and slightly
bend the knees and touch the right foot with the hands. Look up at the left
hand. Exhale when you are bending down to touch the foot. Keep the eyes open
throughout the practice.
• Return to the standing position.
• Repeat this with the left hand touching
the left foot.
• Practise as many rounds as is
यह खड़े होकर किया जाता है।
• घुटनों को
सीधा रखते हुए पैरों को लगभग 3 फीट की
दूरी पर रखकर सीधे खड़े हो जाएं।
• दोनों
हाथों को तब तक उठाएं जब तक वे एक-दूसरे की सीध में, जमीन के समानांतर न आ जाएं। जब आप हाथ ऊपर उठा
रहे हों तो श्वास लें।
• अब दायीं
ओर झुकें और घुटनों को थोड़ा मोड़ें और हाथों से दाहिने पैर को छुएं। बाएं हाथ की
ओर देखें. जब आप पैर छूने के लिए नीचे झुक रहे हों तो सांस छोड़ें। पूरे अभ्यास के
दौरान आँखें खुली रखें।
• खड़े होने
की स्थिति में लौट आएं। इसे बाएं
हाथ से बाएं पैर को छूते हुए दोहराएं।
• उतने ही राउंड का अभ्यास करें जितना आरामदायक हो।
• Strengthens the legs, knees, ankles,
arms and chest.
• Stretches and opens the lower back
region, groin area, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest and spine.
• Increases mental and physical
• Helps improve digestion.
• Reduces anxiety, stress, back pain and
• Avoid doing this if suffering from
migraine, diarrhoea, neck and back injuries.
• Those with high blood pressure may do
this pose but without raising their hand overhead, as this may further raise
the blood pressure
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist Pose]
• This is done in
a sitting posture.
• Sit
with legs straight and stretched in front of you.
• Bend
the right leg, lift it and place it on the left side of the stretched left
• Bend
the left leg and bring close to the body. Place it under the right buttocks.
• Take the left arm around the
right leg and grab the toes of the right leg with the left hand.
• Now
turn towards the right and simultaneously move the right hand behind the back.
Twist the back and the neck as far right as possible. Exhale while twisting the
back and neck.
• Breathe
normally and slowly in this position.
• Repeat with the other leg.
इसे बैठकर किया जाता है।
• पैरों को अपने सामने सीधा और फैलाकर बैठें।
• दाएँ पैर को मोड़ें, उठाएँ और
फैलाए हुए बाएँ पैर के बाईं ओर रखें।
• बाएँ पैर को मोड़ें और शरीर के पास लाएँ। इसे
दाहिने नितंब के नीचे रखें।
• बाएँ हाथ को दाएँ पैर के चारों ओर ले जाएँ और
बाएँ हाथ से दाएँ पैर के पंजों को पकड़ लें।
• अब दाईं ओर मुड़ें और साथ ही दाहिने हाथ को पीठ
के पीछे ले जाएं। पीठ और गर्दन को यथासंभव दाहिनी ओर मोड़ें। पीठ और गर्दन को
मोड़ते हुए सांस छोड़ें।
• इस स्थिति में सामान्य रूप से और धीरे-धीरे सांस
• दूसरे पैर
से दोहराएँ।
• It is one of the best poses to improve
the flexibility of the spine.
• It stimulates the liver and kidneys.
• It stretches the shoulders, hips and
• It energises the spine.
• It stimulates the digestive fire in the
• It relieves menstrual discomfort,
fatigue, sciatica and backache.
• It is therapeutic for asthma and
• Avoid during pregnancy and menstruation
due to the strong twist in
the abdomen.
• People with heart, abdominal or brain
surgeries should avoid this asana.
• Avoid those who are having peptic ulcer
or hernia.
• Those with severe spinal problems should
• Those with mild slipped disc can benefit
but in severe cases it should
be avoided.
is a better known lifestyle disease. It has become an epidemic worldwide. Yoga helps
a lot to control and prevent this disease. Different asanas help to stimulate
the production of insuline that helps in controlling diabetes.
There are two types of diabetes type 1 and type 2 type 1 generally has a childhood onset while type 2 diabetes occurs in adulthood. Asana -bhujangasana, paschimottanasana, pawanmuktasana, ardhmatsyendrasana.
एक बेहतर ज्ञात जीवनशैली रोग है। यह दुनिया भर में एक महामारी बन गई है। योग इस
बीमारी को नियंत्रित करने और रोकने में बहुत मदद करता है। विभिन्न आसन इंसुलिन के
उत्पादन को प्रोत्साहित करने में मदद करते हैं जो मधुमेह को नियंत्रित करने में
मदद करता है।
दो प्रकार के होते हैं टाइप 1
टाइप 2 टाइप 1 आमतौर
पर बचपन में शुरू होता है जबकि टाइप 2 मधुमेह
वयस्कता में होता है।
This is done in lying posture.
Lie on the stomach and rest forehead
on the floor.
Keep the feet and toes together and
touch the ground. Place the hands at shoulder level and palms on floor.
Inhale and lift the head, chest,
abdomen and keep the navel on the floor take five breaths at least.
Exhale slowly come down to rest with
hands below the head slowly.
• It improves the blood circulation and energises the
• It decreases menstrual irregularities in females.
• It strengthens muscles of chest, shoulders, arms and
• It is effective in uterine disorder.
• It improves the function of reproductive organ
• This is done in sitting posture.
• Sit on the floor with the outstretched legs.
• Inhale and lengthen the abdomen then lift the chest.
• Exhale bend forwards from the hips. Keep the shoulders
open and the
head up.
• Reach forwards and hold the big toes in a lock with the
middle and index fingers.
• Inhale, lengthen the torso, bring the sternum forward.
• Exhale, bring the chest and abdomen down to the thighs
and the elbows
out to the sides.
• Stay in this position for 5 deep breaths and relax the
muscles while exhale.
• Focus on stretching the hamstrings rather than getting
the head to the knees.
It stretches hamstrings, spine, shoulders and hip joints. It massages the
pancreas and improves
It relieves menstrual discomfort and
improves fertility. It reduces headache, anxiety, insomnia and sinusitis.
It reduces abdominal fats and helps metabolism.
Pregnant women should avoid this asana. Avoid those who are suffering from slip
disc or sciatica problem and asthma.
Ulcer patients also avoid this asana
Asthma is a universal chronic airway inflammatory disease of the air
passage caused by excessive air sensitiveness and airflow obstruction. The
disease can be managed, controlled and cured by performing various asanas that
help in curing asthma.
Asana- Sukasana, chakrasana, gomukhasana, parvatasana,bhujangasana, paschimottasana, matsyasana.
Begin by lying down on your back with feet apart.
Now bend the knees and place your feet flat on the ground closer to your
buttocks.Bring your palms under your shoulders such that the fingers point
towards the shoulders and the elbows are
shoulder width apart.
Now inhale and press your palms firmly into floor.
Lift your shoulders and head off the floor by straightening your arms.
The feet should be pressed firmly into the floor. Inhale and lift your hips
up. The spine should be rolled up so that may be seem to resemble a semi
circular arch or wheel.
Straighten out your arms and legs as much as possible so that the hips and
chest maybe pushed up.
Hold this pose for at least 15-30 seconds. To go back to original, bend
your elbows to lower your head and shoulders to the floor. Then bend your knees
and bring your spine and hips back to the ground.
Remember to relax a lot after doing this chakrasana yoga pose.
• It
helps to strengthen liver, pancreas, kidneys and heart.
• It is good for infertility, asthma
and osteoporosis.
• It strengthens arms, shoulders,
hands, wrists and legs buttocks, abdomen and spine.
• It stretches the chest and lungs.
• It helps to stimulate the thyroid
and pituitary glands.
• It helps to increase energy and
counteracts depression.
• Those who are suffering from
diarrhoea, heart problems and
hernia should avoid this.
• Avoid during pregnancy.
• Avoid those who have wrist, ankles
and spine pain.
• Hypertension or hypotension person
should avoid this asana.
Gomukhasana [Cow Face Pose]
Start in Dandasana (Staff pose).
Bend the right knee. Bring your left
foot to the outside of your right hip, weaving it underneath your right knee.
Bring your right foot to the outside of your left hip, so that your right knee
is stacked on top of your left knee.
Ground through your sitting bones.
As you inhale, lengthen your spine
and stretch your arms out to the sides, palms facing forward.
Internally rotate your right
shoulder so that your palm faces to the wall behind you and your thumb points
down. Sweep the arm behind your back, walking your hand up between your
shoulder blades, palm facing outwards.
Stretch the left arm up, fingertips
pointing towards the ceiling, the palm of your hand still facing forward. Bend
the elbow and reach down for the right fingertips, hooking the fingers together
if they reach.
So you now have your right knee on
top and your left elbow pointing upwards
Firm your shoulder blades against
your back ribs and open your chest.
Stay for a few breaths.
· To come out of the pose, release the arms, uncross the legs and repeat on the other side. Remember to switch legs as well as the arms. Whichever knee is stacked on top, the opposite side elbow is pointing upwards.
• It helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the
ankles, hips and thighs, shoulders, triceps, inner armpits and chest.
• It is helpful in the treatment of
• It enhances the workings of the kidneys
by stimulating it, thus helping those suffering from diabetes.
• Regular practice can reduce stress and
• Those who are suffering from shoulder, knee or backpain
should avoid this.
• People suffering from any kind of knee
injury/problem avoid this.
Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)
• It down on the floor in a cross legged position or
Sukhasana and Padmasana (lotus ppse).
• Bring the hands in the front and
interlock the fingers.
• Breathe out and move the hands over the
head. Keep the fingers interlocked and hands stretched upwards.
• Pull the torso in upward direction and stretch.
• Hold this position for a little
longer and breathe normally.
• Bring down the hands as in original
position. Unlock the hands and keep them aside and stretch the legs in the front and relax.
helps to improve the blood circulation around
the body.
• It reduces mental fatigue and improves
the memory.
• It reduces muscle pain, especially in
back and
neck regions.
• It helps to reduce the problems of
carpal tunnel syndrome, rheumatic stiffness.
• It helps in stimulating the synthesis of
growth hormone.
• This is done in sitting position.
• Sit straight with the legs together by
stretching in front. Keep the head neck and spine erect.
• Place the palms on the respective knees.
• Now bend the head and trunk slowly
forward and catch the toes with the thumb, index and middle fingers without
bending knees.
• Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
• Bend
the arm and try to touch the elbow on the floor.
• After few seconds slowly return to your
starting position.
• Breathe normally.
• It relieves stress and relaxes the mind.
• It removes anxiety, anger and irritability.
• It stretches the spine and brings
• It helps to remove constipation and
digestive disorder.
• It is useful for increasing height.
• It is helpful for women after
• Pregnant women should avoid this asana.
• Avoid those who are suffering from slip
disc or sciatica problem and asthma.
• Ulcer patients also avoid this practice.
Blood pressure is the force of blood in the
arteries. When this pressure becomes – abnormally high then it is called
hypertension or high blood pressure. Stress is a major factor that causes
hypertension. Yoga can be a very beneficial therapy for controlling blood
pressure. The gentle, soothing practice of asanas settles both mind and body
and reduces stress which causes hypertension. There are different types of
asanas for the treatment of hypertension.
Asana- Tadasana, vajrasana, pawanmuktasana, ardhchakrasana, bhujangasana.
• This is a standing asana.
• Stand straight with the feet together.
• Slowly lift the toes and place them back
on the floor.
• Pull up the kneecaps and squeeze the
• Inhale and lift up from the waist.
• Breathe and hold for 4 to 8 breaths.
• Exhale and drop the shoulders down.
This is done in lying position.
Lie flat on the back and keep the legs straight, relax, breathe deeply and
Inhale slowly and lift the legs and bend in the knees. Bring upwards to the
chest till the thigh touches to stomach.
Hug the knees in place and lock the fingers.
Place the nose tip between the knees.
Exhale slowly and come back to the original
position i.e. Shavasana.
This is very beneficial for stomach abs. The results are very impressive.
Ardha Chakrasana
• This is a standing asana.
• Stand straight and arms alongside the
• Balance the weight equally on both feet.
• Breathing in, extend the arms overhead,
palms facing each other.
• Bend backwards, push the pelvis forward,
keeping the arms in line with the ears, elbows and knees straight, head up and
lifting the chest towards the ceiling.
• Breathing out, bring the arms down and
• It stretches the front upper torso.
• It tones the arms and shoulder muscles.
• Avoid during headache.
• Avoid during serious back injury
Aligarh Muslim university