Planning in sports class 12 first unit notes


“Planning is a way to systematize, direct and organise the event or competitions and extract the advantage and benefit of the available resources.” “Planning is the process of making a sequence of work for future line of action.”
 Five questions of planning W are – 
What is the plan ?
 When to do it ?
 Why do ?
 By Whom ? 
Where to do
According to Allen : Planning is a trap that is laid to catch the future. नियोजन एक ऐसा जाल है जो भविष्य को पकड़ने के लिए बिछाया जाता है।


This essentially refers to establishing a broad sketch of the work to be completed and the procedures incorporated to implement them.


Organizing involves formally classifying, defining and synchronizing the various sub-processes or subdivisions of the work to be done. 

It makes sure that the activities and timelines in the first step of planning are refined and organized further so that right people can be staffed to execute these tasks.


This involves recruiting and selecting the right candidates for the job and facilitating their orientation and training while maintaining a favorable work environment.


This entails decision making and delegating structured instructions and orders to execute them.


This basically refers to orchestrating and interlinking the various components of the work.


  1. To reduce the unnecessary pressure of immediacy.अनुचित दबाव को कम करने के लिए।
  2.  To keep good control over all the activities.सभी क्रियाकलापों या गतिविधियों पर अच्छा नियंत्रण रखना। 
  3. To provide proper co-ordination among the committees. अच्छा तालमेल बनाना।
  4.  To reduce the chances of mistakes. गलतियों की संभावना को कम करना। 
  5. To Increase the creativity. नवप्रवर्तन और रचनात्मकता को बढ़ावा।
  6.  To enhance the sports performance. खेल प्रदर्शन को बढ़ाना।

Various committees and responsibilities:

Different committees work together for the smooth conduct of the sports events. The various committees are:

(i) Technical Committee: This committee is responsible for the technical conduct or the Emmis. This committee selects various officials such as referees, judges, starters, umpires, time keepers etc.

(ii) Transport CommitteeThis committee is responsible for providing the facilities regarding transportation of various teams If the venue of sports events.

(iii) Reception Committee: The members of this committee are responsible to welcome the Chief Guest and spectators at opening and closing ceremonies.

(iv) Boarding and Lodging Committee: This committee is responsible for making necessary arrangements for providing accommodation and serving meals to the sportspersons Abel other officials.

(v) Ground and Equipment Committee :This committee males necessary arrangements of equipment related to events.

(vi) Medical and First Aid Committee: This committee i5 Formed to provide medical assistance. e to participants round the clock


A tournament is a competition involving relatively large number of competitors, all participating in a sports or game. It is a series of contests with several rounds in which many contestants compete, individually or as a team to decide the winner. In other words, tournament is a series of contests in which a number of contestants compete and the one that prevails through the final round or that finishes with the best record is declared the winner.

Type of tournament:

  • Knock out: In this type of tournament, the team once defeated, gets eliminated from the tournament. Only the winning teams contest in the next rounds. Opportunities are given to the winning players/teams.
  • League: In single league tournament all participating teams compete once, with each other, where as in double league, each team plays with every as in double league, each team plays with every other team twice, without any consideration of victory or defeat.
  • Combination Tournaments: Combination tournaments are organized in group or zonal matches. Whenever there is a large number of teams, combination tournaments facilitate the Physical Education Teachers, job. It gives them elbow room to try out new experiments.

There are mainly four types of combination tournaments:

1. Knock out cum Knock out
2. League cum league
3. Knock out cum league
4. League cum Knock out
  • Challenge Tournament: This type of tournament comes handy when there are one to one contests or there are two players on each side. One player challenges the other and the other player accepts the challenge. Games in which such tournaments are held are – Boxing, Tennis, Table Tennis, Badminton Etc.

Fixtures in such tournaments are decided according to :

1. Ladder Method

2. Physical Method

3. Cobweb Method

Bye:- The advantage given to a team usually by drawing a lot, and exempting it from paying a match in the first round is known as Bye. These are given to a specific number of teams in the first round. The number of byes are decided by subtracting the number of teams from the next higher number which is in power of two’s.आम तौर पर एक टीम को बहुत अधिक ड्रा करके और पहले दौर में एक मैच का भुगतान करने से छूट देकर दिया जाने वाला लाभ BYE के रूप में जाना जाता है। इन्हें पहले दौर में विशिष्ट संख्या में टीमों को दिया जाता है। बाईज़ की संख्या टीमों की संख्या को अगले उच्च संख्या से घटाकर तय की जाती है जो दो की POWER में है।

Bye Next Higher No-no of Team [2n-no of teams]

The procedure of giving byes is as follows:

  • The first bye is given to last team of lower half.
  • The second bye is given to first team of upper half.
  • The third bye is given to first team of lower half
  • The fourth bye if given to last team of upper half.
  • The next bye or byes will be given in the same order as described above.

Draw a knock out fixture of 11 teams?

No. of teams = 11,

Total No. of matches = N-1 = 11-1 = 10

No. of teams in upper half N+1/2 = 11+ 1 = 6

No. of teams in lower half N-1/2 = 11 – 1 = 5

Total no. of byes = 16- 11 =5 byes,

No. of byes in upper half = NB-1/2 = 5 – 1 /2= 2

No. of byes in lower half = NB + 1/2 = 5 + 1/2 = 3

Total rounds = 4

                                   Fixture of 10 teams 

Fixture of 19 teams in four quatres

League or Round Robin Tournaments

A league tournament, also called as round robin tournament, is a type of tournament in which each contestant meets all other contestants in turn. In this type of tournament, there has to be sufficient time to complete the tournament.
There are two types of league tournaments

  1. Single league
  2. Double league

In a single league round robin schedule, each participant plays with every other participant once. If each participant plays with others twicely, this is frequently called a round robin double league tournament.

  1. Single League Number of matches =N(N1)2 (N = Number of teams)
  2. Double League Number of matches = N (N-1) (N = Number of teams)

Fixtures in League Tournaments

The three methods used for drawing up fixtures are

    1.Staircase method
    2.Cyclic method
    3.Tabular method

Cyclic Method

In this method, if the number of teams is even (i.e. 4, 6, 8, ….), team 1 is fixed on the top right side and the other teams move in clockwise direction down one side of a rectangle and up on the other side. In such a case, the number of rounds will be N-1 if there are N teams participating. However, if the number of teams is odd (i.e. 3, 5, 7,….), a ‘bye’ is fixed at the top and all teams follow it in sequence. In such a case, the number of rounds will be N.

Example 1 Fixture of 6 teams on cyclic method.
Total number of teams = 6
Total number of matches = N(N1)2=6(61)2=15
Total number of rounds = N – 1 = 5

Example 2 Fixture of 5 teams on cyclic method.
Total number of teams = 5
Total number of matches = N(N1)2=5(51)2=10
Total number of rounds = 5

Staircase Method

In this method, the fixtures are made like a staircase. It is arranged in sequential form, there is no bye, no problem of odd or even and therefore it is easiest to arrange. An example will illustrate this method.
Example : Draw up a fixture of 9 teams on Round Robin basis using staircase method.

The number of teams = 9
Thus, number of matches

    Methods of deciding the winners in league tournament

(a) British method : The total number of points obtained is divided by total possible points.
example यदि प्रतिस्पर्धी टीमों की कुल संख्या 8 है और टीम A6 मैच जीतती है जबकि 2 मैच ड्रा रहते हैं तो प्रतिशत अंक होगा Total point = 12+2=12
                             possible points =16
                             percentage of point = 14/16=0.875
(b) American method: The number of games won by a team is divided by the total number of games played. Example यदि टूर्नामेंट में प्रतिस्पर्धी टीमों की संख्या 8 है और A टीम 5 मैच जीतती है then its percentage will be 5/8=0.625

 Tabular method:

In this method, the fixtures are drawn in tabular form. The number of columns shall be drawn horizontally as well as vertically. The number of columns depends on number of teams, i.e., even or odd. For even number of teams, the number of columns shall be n + 1 and byes shall not be given. Whereas for odd number of teams, number of columns shall be n + 2 and bye shall be given.

Procedure for drawing columns:
 (a) Draw required number of columns horizontally and vertically. 
 (b) Draw a line diagonally from the left topmost corner to the opposite right bottom corner. Fixture for B teams  Number of columns n + 1 = 8 + 1 = 9  Number of rounds n - 7 = 7  The numbers that are entered in the squares indicate the particular round in which the concerned teams have to play. Enter the number serially in horizontal column from number 1 onwards.


इंट्राम्यूरल शब्द लैटिन शब्द इंट्रा और म्यूरोस से बना है, जिसका अर्थ है 'दीवारों के भीतर'। टीमें संस्था की दीवारों के भीतर प्रतिस्पर्धा करती हैं। किसी संस्था के भीतर अंतर-वर्ग या अंतर-हाउस टूर्नामेंट।

The objectives of intramurals are as follows

  • To provide incentive, motivation and opportunity to learn various skills.
  • To develop sportsman spirit among students.
  • To help in recreation of the students.
  • To improve-social interaction among the students                                                              


   इसमें वे गतिविधियाँ शामिल हैं जो संस्थान या स्कूल की दीवारों के बाहर की जाती हैं। इसका       मतलब है कि ऐसी प्रतियोगिताओं में दो या दो से अधिक स्कूलों के छात्र भाग लेते हैं    
    The objectives of extramural are
  • To improve the standard of sports.
  • To provide experience to students.
  • To develop sportsmanship and fraternity.
  • To broaden the base of sports.
  • To provide the knowledge of new rules and advanced techniques.


Sports and games programs are arranged in the world as well as in our country to promote the games and sports for a specific cause. Every country in the world has some or other cause for promoting specific sports programs.

The programs motivate and create the feeling to take part in these sports programs. People become health-conscious and try to remain fit and stay healthy for as long as possible. These specific sports programs are usually organized by the federations, state government, NGO etc. to create health consciousness among the people and take part in health-related sports programs.

 The various important specific programs are:-

A. School–Annual Sports Day

2. HEALTH RUN: these are organised by health departments to ameliorate the standard of health in a country along with raising funds for charity.
3. RUN FOR FUN: It is also organized to spread the message among masses to remain healthy and fit. It may be organized to motivate the people to remain fit.
4. RUN FOR UNITY: It is organised to show unity and peace among the people of different religions. Its purpose may be national and international integration and brotherhood.

5. RUN FOR SPECIFIC CAUSE: This is the run related to specific or noble cause. Most of the social non- profit organisations organises these runs for creating awareness about AIDS, Educating the girl child, Cancer, etc. Mumbai and Chennai Marathons are organised for such noble purpose.                                     


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