CWSN notes ,Adaptive physical education class 11

Disability Etiquettes
1.Be respectful and treat everyone with kindness: People with disabilities deserve the same respect and consideration as anyone else. Use polite language and avoid making assumptions or stereotype about their abilities.

2. Use person-first language: Instead of labeling someone by their disability, put the person first. For example, say “a person with a disability” instead of “a disabled person.”

3. Ask before offering help: If you encounter someone with a disability who appears to need assistance, always ask before jumping in to help. Respect their independence and allow them to decide if they need assistance.

4. Be mindful of physical space: Some disabilities may require more space to maneuver, so try not to block wheelchair ramps or designated accessible areas.
Avoid using wrong language: Be cautious with phrases that may unintentionally offend  people with disabilities. Refrain from using terms like “crippled” or “handicapped.”

6. Communicate directly: When speaking to someone with a disability, address them directly rather than talking to their companion or caregiver. Treat them like you would anyone else.

7. Ask if you’re unsure: If you’re unsure about how to interact with someone with a disability or what accommodations they might need, feel free to politely ask. Most people will appreciate your genuine interest in understanding their needs.

8. Respect personal boundaries: Just like with anyone else, respect personal space and avoid touching or leaning on mobility aids without permission.

9. Be patient and listen: Some individuals with disabilities might communicate differently or require more time to express themselves. Be patient and give them the opportunity to fully participate in conversations.

10. Recognize invisible disabilities: Not all disabilities are visible. Keep in mind that someone may have a disability that is not immediately apparent, so avoid making assumptions based on appearances alone.

11. Advocate for accessibility: Encourage and support initiatives that promote accessibility in public spaces, transportation, and workplaces, making it easier for people with disabilities to participate fully in society.

Aim And Objective of Adaptive Physical Education
Adaptive Physical Education is an individualized program of instruction created for students with disabilities that enable success in Physical Education.

Adaptive Physical Education provides a safe, personally satisfying, and successful experience for students of varying abilities. 

It is a diversified program and includes developmental and remedial activities.

Aim: Adaptive Physical Education aims to ensure that the child is provided with physical education services that meet his/her needs, and that aim to achieve physical, mental, emotional, and social growth.


To develop students’ motor skills
To develop self-esteem and promote sportsmanship
To develop social qualities for adjustment in the society
To provide an opportunity to learn and to participate in several appropriate recreational and leisure time sports and activities.
To develop organic and neuromuscular systems
To develop knowledge and an appreciation of his physical and mental limitations.
To help students to understand and appreciate a variety of sports that can enjoy as non-participants or spectators.
Organizations promoting Adaptive Sports

Role Of Various Professionals For Children With Special Needs
Physical Education and sports for CWSN
Role of Various Professionals

Role of counselor

A school counselor helps children in all ways, be it academic, social, behavioral,al or emotional.
They work in collaboration with the parents, teachers, and special educators to create a healthy learning environment that makes them feel comfortable.

Role of Occupational Therapist

The Occupational Therapist will provide education and resources to teachers and parents about how children typically develop motor skills and how to promote this development in the classroom and at home. 
They help teachers learn to recognize and help children who may have motor skill problems which are making some daily activities a challenge to learn.

Role of Physiotherapist

Physiotherapy is an allied health care profession that promotes the health and well-being of all.
It aims to help maximize movement and functions when someone is affected by injury, illness, developmental delay or other disability.

Role of Physical Education Teacher

Physical Education Teachers are responsible for the education of primary and secondary school students in physical activity and psychomotor learning.
He is responsible for the overall wellness and development of students.

PET evaluates the student’s performance, attitude, and level of Physical Fitness. Students are evaluated in periodic tests that give teachers a better picture of students’ overall health and level of athletic skill.

Role of Speech Therapist

Speech and language therapy is concerned with the identification, assessment, and support of speech, language, and communication of children.
They work closely with parents, teachers, nurses, occupational therapists, and doctors. Speech and language therapists have an important role in supporting schools to meet the needs of children.

Role of Special Educator:

A special educator develops appropriate activities, curriculam and the methods of their implementation for the children with special needs so that the children maybe able to participate easily

Q1. What is Adaptive Physical Education?

Answer: Adaptive Physical Education is an individualized program of instruction created for students with disabilities that enable success in Physical Education.

Q2. What is the concept of Inclusion?

Answer: Inclusion is an educational practice where every person can participate equally in all social processes. It is an approach to educate students with special educational needs.


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